Ascot's products are a healthy and a Natural way to get your health back on the right tracks and drop those extra inches!

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Living healthy, The Ascot way

At Ascot Diet Clinic we use homeopathic injections to increase metabolism and break down fat.. This is combined with various medicines to assist you with your diet. Most of the products we use are natural and all the products are absolutely safe.
Loosing Weight is possible and with a little help from Ascot Diet Clinic's homeopathic injections it's in your reach to loose the desired weight and maintain your weight when you've completed the diet. Our pharmacist was very thorough in formulating the ultimate combination of natural stimulation to suit each individual and our Professional Nurses are the drive force to help keep you motivated with the diet plan, with regular recording and assistance for each individual.


The Diet Aims to achieve the following:

  • Lose Kilograms
  • Lose centimeters
  • Burn Fat
  • Control your appetite

Ascot Diet Clinic.

Secrets of Healthy Life

Bio Products

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Contact Information

Ascot Diet Clinic Sandton
40 East Road Morningside 
Rivonia Sports And wellness Center
+27 82 447 6760
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